Josep Jover i Padró
JOSEP JOVER, born in Terrassa on July 29 of 1955. Lawyer member of the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB) nº 12668.
Lawyer specialized in European Union Law, information technology, human rights, and cybersecurity, with over 40 years of experience. Expert in training, legal audits, and lobbying strategies at the European level. He has made significant contributions to data protection, citizens’ rights, and international judicial procedures. Skilled in designing strategies for complex environments and leading cross-cutting projects with a high social and technological impact. He has worked with security forces, defense institutions, and international organizations, developing practical tools and specific doctrines for the defense and protection of fundamental rights in highly sensitive contexts.
- Bachelor degree in Law from the University of Barcelona, February 1982.
- Graduated in Legal Sociology and Psychology from IPSJ Barcelona Bar Association (1981).
- Diploma in negotiation and mediation from the Barcelona Lawyer’s Association and ACDMA, also lecturer in these subjects (2000-2024).
- Higher Diploma in International and EU Law from Patronat Català Pro Europa. (1983- 1984).
- Diploma in International Recruitment from Trias de Bes I Giró University. (1984)
- Diploma in Accounting and Auditing for lawyers from the School of Legal Practices Roda Ventura of Barcelona Bar Association (1985).
- Auditor registered in AULETEC (ICAB) Register of Legal Auditors in IT environments, number 16.
- Lawyer registered since 2007 in the Register of Lawyers in order to professionally perform in the European Court of Justice.
- Certified as a judicial expert in ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) by ASPERTIC (Mediterranean Association of ICTs experts). Nº 1101.
- Diploma in AI Engineering in 2023 by Bloomfield College (New Jersey). Master’s degree in electronics from the University School of the UPC (1975-1977), where he studied part of his degree in electronic engineering. Diploma in Data Protection from the Pontifical University of Comillas (1995), where he also served as a professor in its Master’s program.
- Public workers training in third generation Human Rights, National Security Framework (ENS) and National Interoperability Framework (ENI) in several institutions, local councils, municipalities from Spain, France and Belgium (2007-2024).
- Providing training to various private and public bodies on Directive 2019/1937 on whistleblowers and on the Anti-Corruption Act 2/2023.
- Speaker at Barcelona Block Chain Week in several conferences about Hacking and Internet such as “NoConName” (2017- 2024).
- Teacher at the School Judicial IT Experts (UDIMA- ANTPJI) 2015-2020) and ASPERTIC.
- Visiting Professor at trainings in judicial TIC evidence and Access to technologies and social networks for lawyers and judges held in Tarragona, Tortosa, Girona and Barcelona (2019) and at the Madrid and Barcelona Bar Association (2010-2024).
- Speaker at the conferences held by AJUDICAT (Asociación de la Judicatura Eventual Catalana) about privacy and informatics offences on the reform of the Criminal Code 2015 (2017,2018 and 2019).
- Author of various reports on professional ethics in the police profession, in which he also served as an auditor in this specialty (2001-2015).
- Lecturer on Law and IT Master in ICADE (Universidad Pontífica de Comillas) (1990-2005); Lecturer on ISDE Master (Business and Law Institute of Heures from Barcelona University) (2000- 2005) and Lecturer on Legal Auditing of IT environments Master (Barcelona Bar Association) and New technologies Master in ICAB, of which he is also a member of the scientific committee (2000-2019)
- Editor of several reports on professional ethics in the police force, of which he has also been an auditor in this speciality (2000-2010).
- Lecturer on PhD degrees of Barcelona University (UB) (2000-2003)
- Tutor, together with the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona’s Statistic Department on the development and analysis of voting intention survey projects. For example, the analysis of voting intention in each of the elections of the Barcelona Bar Association from 1992 until 2004 and the analysis of voting intentions at Terrassa town council elections (1990-1995) and Calafell (2000-2006).
- President of the Scientific Committee of the several Data Protection Conferences of Teulada i Roda de Barà (2000-2005)
- Lecturer on Legal Auditing Techniques, Environment Security and Cryptography in IT environments in several courses organized by the Data Protection Agencies of the Community of Madrid, Spain and Catalonia, IEE, Avila Police School and by Granada UVS and Seresco.
- Lecturer at the Public Security Institute – Catalonian Police School (1995-2005), specialized on third generation Human Rights, technological security, Ethic, Corporate Social Responsibility and Police Ethics. Speaker on several conferences about Deontology, technology Video surveillance in the police area (2006-2024).
- Lecturer on Mediation and Negotiation Techniques in several courses organized by the University of Barcelona, Barcelona Bar Association, Barcelona Psychologist Association, Diputación de Barcelona and Diputación de Alicante. Guest lecturer on Conflicts management at ICADE, IEE and Universidad Maria Cristina del Escorial.
- He was one of the seven specialists commissioned by the Generalitat de Catalunya to import the techniques and culture of mediation to Spain in 1995. From 1998 to 2005, he was part of a team of specialists in violence and mediation, based in the Basque Country, linked to the Institute of Legal Sociology of Oñati. Founder of the “Law and Society” group, developing practical tools and specific doctrines for the defense and protection of fundamental rights in highly sensitive contexts through strategic intelligence.
- Speaker at various conferences on the Transparency Law, public access to information, and its implementation mechanisms, as well as on technology and law (2010-2019). Designed and delivered specialized training on balancing fundamental rights with operational needs in critical scenarios.
- Speaker on several conferences about Transparency Law and its mechanisms of implementation, technology and law (2010-2019).
- Speaker at the course on Information Security & Cybersecurity organised by the Centro Superior de la Defensa (CESEDEN) (2012), specifically dedicated to Cyberwarfare.
- Lecturer in various public and private institutions on the subjects of Directive 2019/1937 on EU law infringement alerts and the Anti-Corruption Law 2/2023 (2018-2023)
- President emeritus of ASPERTIC ,Mediterranean Association of ITCs Experts, (
- Chair of the Observatori de Dret Privat de Catalunya de la Comissió de Codificació de Catalunya (2015-2021).
- Leads ADVERTIA group, task force for Europe. Union of law firms and engineering to carry out lobbying actions in Europe. By virtue of this, it is part of the Group of Spanish Experts for the modification of the Community Regulation on Data Protection and of the ICT commission of the CCBE
- Vice-president of Management Confederations CIAE & COPYME.
- Promoter of the European directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law
- Initiator of the European Directive on Access to Public Information, currently in force.
- Administrator and manager of the External Complaints Box of the ASPERTIC Alerters Directive 2019/1937, recognized as a European competent authority on issues related to this Directive.
- First President of the IT Division of the Barcelona Bar Association (1988-2002). Vice-president of European Law Division of ICAB (1986-1989).
- Representative of the Governing Board of Barcelona Bar Association (1989-1993).
- Director of the Psychology and Sociology Institute of Barcelona Bar Association (1987-1989). His career includes the management of a great variety of publications, like the report on “The State of Justice in Catalonia” in the Yearbook of Legal Sociology and Psychology, 1979 and 1980.
- Member of an Expert Committee appointed by AENOR for the development of the Corporate Social Responsibility ISO and Ethics Procedures for business and institutions (ISO 26000), of which he also acts as a SCR consultant and ISO26000.
- He has professionally handled several high-profile cases related to European law, such as the “Digital Levy,” the “Healthcare Cent,” and the first ruling in Europe on “Mortgage Floor Clauses” (as a lobbyist). He is currently leading European-level representation for various groups of interim workers and claimants of passive classes. He has also been involved in advocating for the timely payment of court-appointed lawyers, positioning the European Commission on the matter.
- He has advised numerous lawyers, institutions, and companies on best practices in European legal procedures and has provided reports to the European Parliament on the lack of protection for whistleblowers of corruption in Spain. As a key promoter of various European Directives, including Directive 2019/1937 on the protection of whistleblowers of EU law violations and Directive 2019/1024 on public access to information, he is currently working on a new directive to protect victims of cybercrime.
- Free exercising as a Lawyer and ICT Audit since 1983, at the branches of Civil Law, Criminal Law, Commercial Law and European Law. Registered at Barcelona Bar Association since 1983.
- Chosen in several occasions as arbitrator and expert in ICT security, intellectual property and Corporate Social responsibility.
- Technical partner with JUDILEX S.L. “experts in compliance”, protection of personal and non-personal data, IT security, rights against privacy and others.
- Aspertic’s representative at the FRA (European Fundamental Rights Agency) and liaison with Europol.
- Administrator and manager of various internal and external complaint boxes (2019-2023)
- Adviser on Union law issues to various professional associations and public institutions
- He has spoken on several occasions at the request of the respective committees of the Europarliament, the Congress of Deputies, the Senate and the Parliament of Catalonia.
- FULL DE RUTA CAP A l’ADMINISTRACIÓ LOCAL ELECTRÒNICA and Practical guide to the implementation of eGovernment at local level published by Consultor dels Ajuntaments (2012) (co-author)
- Report on TISA Treaty requested by several MEPs belonging to ALE-Els Verd Grup and Socialista (2014-2015). (Author)
- Reports on the PEGASUS system at the request of several MEPs from the EFA-Greens, Left and Non-attached groups (2022-2023) to determine the liability of the Spanish Government. (author)
- Report on the system of EU-wide telecommunications interception allowed by EUROJUST at the request of several MEPs, belonging to the EFA-Greens, the Left and the Non-attached Group (2022-2023). (Author)
- Co-author of the rulings commissioned by several Public Administrations on European Law (2017-2020).
- AUDITORIA DE TECNOLOGIAS I SISTEMAS DE INFORMACIÓN published by Editorial RAMA (2008). Book reissued repeatedly. (co-author)
- Various works about Data protection and Statistic published by UPCO (Universidad Pontífica de Comillas).
- L’ADUTORIA INFORMÁTICA, I & II, published by Editorial RAMA (2005) (co-Author).
- HUMAN RIGHTS AND POLICE, published by Diputación de Barcelona (2005) (co-Author).
- CITIZEN DATA IN THE MUNICIPAL FILES, published by Diaz de Santos (2007) (co-author)
- Co-author of several books published between 2007 and 2024 specialising in technology and society..
- Articles published frequently in DIARIO16+.
- INTERNET DRET FONAMENTAL, propostas per a reduir la brexa digital i social, published by m4social (2021) (collaborator)
- Co-author of the book ‘Burocrac_IA’ (2024): Guide for the elimination of bureaucracy in the age of artificial intelligence, co-authored with Víctor Almonacid. Published by NovaGorb.
First director of the magazine “Món Jurídic” of the Barcelona Bar Association (1983-1985) with a circulation of 35,000 copies.
Director and editor of the first and second computerised legal forms in Catalan (1987-1089), produced by the Consell de la Abogacía de Catalunya with a print run of 25,000 copies.
Producer of the film Docu indignados about the 15M, which premiered in Barcelona, Madrid and Brussels. Coordinator of the 15M Barcelona legal campaign. A student of Miquel Porter Moix, he had previously taught film history and participated, as a technician, in various film productions.
He was a member of the ‘film academy group’ which, together with Alex de la Iglesia, attempted a state pact between Internet users and content producers.
Recent awards
- Diario16 Award (2022) for the best contribution to the EU’s ethical values.
- E-Tech Award (2022) for the complaint mailbox recognised as a European authority.
- Borme-Online Award (2024) for the best business initiative
- Catalan: Native.
- Spanish: Native.
- French: Intermediate.
- English: Basic (specialised in technical and legal reading).
Social Networking
- Twitter: @josepjover
- YouTube: Sintoniza Europa (script writer and director
- Mail:
- Facebook:
- LinkedIn:
Frequent published articles in the media, mainly in Diario16+, Technonews, Confilegal and Las Repúblicas.